69 Types of Cigar
Many people come to read our blog who may never have thought about smoking a cigar. But the cigar coverage in our pages piques their curiosity; and sure you will become the next cigar business to cooperate with us.
First of all, Cigars have 69 types of them in total which are commonly categorized by their size and shape. Up till now, no brands are fully covered all sizes types of cigar.
1. Petit Corona (4.5×42)
2. Gordito (4.5×60)
Within the industry, it is important to understand how cigar shape and sizes are measured so as to design the perfect Wooden Boxes or PU Leather travel cases for your cigar business.
Since 1858, the metric system has been obligatory in Cuba and other countries. However, imperial measurements are almost an industry norm to use on cigars which likely because of the United States’ influence in the market.
Overall, cigars are measured according to their length and ring gauge. Cigar length is measured by Inches; 1 inches = 2.54cm. And the ring gauge are used to measure cigar’s thickness which also the cigar diameter. Because of ring gauge is often quite small; it's measured by 64ths of an inch rather than a decimal. For instance, a typical Petit Corona is 0.66 inches thick. When converted to 64th of an inch, it comes to 42/64, which is presented as simply 42. Therefore, when giving its overall dimensions, a Toro will be presented as 4.5 x 42.
Last but not least, choosing the best size, shape, and shade are all clues as to your pick’s country of origin, flavor, and how it’ll burn. Quote from one of the historical Cuban folk proverb said “For choosing the best sizes of cigar type to smoke; all depends to your age.”
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